Monday, October 5, 2009

Day 6: "Precious Connection Moments"

It was early June 1999. A young mother was in a fitting room in Hecht’s department store with her almost four year old son, three week old daughter, and double stroller. She went in with the desire to try on a pair of pants. She left in tears.

That mother was me.

No, I wasn’t crying over not fitting into the pants (although that is, in my opinion, an occasion to shed a tear if you feel so inclined). I was crying because my schedule…my way of life…had changed. And I thought it would never be the same. My young son wasn’t the one causing my frustration that day…it was my newborn daughter. She didn’t really feel like letting mom try on anything that day. My son was fine playing and hanging out in the corner for a few minutes. My daughter had other plans…and I was mourning the loss of my routine with my son. I really thought that day that I’d never be able to go to the mall with my kids again.

Fast forward 10 years and 4 months. I am now the mother of a fourteen year old and a ten year old. And, once again, my daily routine has changed. My morning routine before Monday, August 31st was simple. Wake up, make the coffee, grab a cup (preferably in my favorite Minnie Mouse mug), sit on the floor of our living room, and talk with God. Simple. After my time with God, the kids got up and the day was off and running…but before and during my time with God, it was quiet and peaceful. I need that time with Him at the beginning of my day. I savored that time with Him at the beginning of my day. That is, until August 31st.

My son started high school on August 31st, and my morning routine hasn’t been the same since. Sigh. The birds aren’t up when he has to get up. The sun isn’t up. Very few things are up when he has to get up. I am a morning person but this is ridiculous. Let me just say, I have been finding my way here…trying to figure out how one who loves a good routine and needs her time with God navigates a change in that routine. I am no good that early…so what do I do?

My prayer time since August 31st has been different…it has been very different. It has been a morning with little, breathed prayers. Making the pancakes, pray. Hop in the shower, pray. Drive the car, pray. And you know what? God hears each and every teenie prayer I lift to Him just like He heard the peaceful, blissful all-at-once quiet time I used to have with Him.

Our journey with Jesus has seasons…things change. Sometimes we find ourselves in the position where a little extra creativity is required. And that’s a good thing.

No matter what your time with God looks like, God is listening. He wants to connect with you. He wants you to connect with Him. And just by taking the time to read this and think of Him, you’re on the right track. So, if you think a “sit-down-for-20-minutes-and-pray” devotional time is impossible…re-think your quiet time. Get creative. Small prayers at small times equal big moments of connection with the God who loves us more than we can ever know.

I did get back to the mall…and now my daughter has no qualms about clothes shopping. Maybe I’ll get back to my peace-and-quiet time with God. But for now, little precious connection moments will be just fine.

Dig deeper: Take a moment to read these Bible verses. Listen to God’s heart that longs for connection with us. What are the connecting words that we find in these verses? What does God actively do to connect with us? After you read, stop for a moment and connect with Him.

“The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.” Psalm 37:23 & 24

~Deni Sunderly


  1. AWESOME GOD! He connects with us no matter where we are. There was a season in my life when my quiet time was my commute time. It didn't matter if I had to sit in traffic, I relished the extra time that afforded me to be in his presence. Thanks Deni for a great morning devotion!

  2. Although I know God knows I am so very busy and sometimes thoughtless when it comes to me praying to him, He holds no grudge. He watches over me and waits patiently for my prayers. Thank you for reminding me of that. I will have to be more mindfull of my personal time with Him and "get creative".
    Many blessing to all!!

  3. My schedule with three kids is chaotic at times and it is so easy to feel condemnation form "the church" and from myself for not having a long morning quiet time. I need to know that He hears me when I call, that He delights in the prayers of his children.

    It is so comforting to know that though I may stumble (and I do - daily) He will not let me fall. Thank you for that reminder.

  4. Thanks Deni for the reminder that as the seasons of our lives change, our times with God will change to accomodate that new schedule. But he will be just as pleased if it's 5 minutes here and 5 minutes there throughout our day. Sometimes I enjoy that even more because I feel like I'm continuously connected to him and bring him into every part of my day.

  5. I needed this Deni, thanks so much. I am that mom most days. At the end of the day many times I feel like I have failed because of my limited time with Him. I am often reminded that our jobs as parents are to teach our children to love Jesus more than anything else and if we are living that example to them then we are truly worshiping Him. Thanks again for the devotion.
