Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Day 1: "And He did it all for me..."

In our Sunday Ladies Life Group class, we went through an exercise that involved reading Genesis 1:1-8.  These scriptures covered the first two days of creation.  The exercise included a discussion on what we thought the scriptures were saying to us personally.  The discussion was vibrant, inspiring, and uplifting in detailing the wonder of God’s magnificent creation.  As the discussion continued, one member of the class brought it all into perspective when she said, “And He did it all for me.”  I believe that statement was a defining moment for the class – “And He did it all for me.”   Yes, the Lord Jesus did it all for us……………….

Creation of the universe, wide, vast, powerful and beautiful… “And He did it all for me…”

Created man and woman in His own image… “And He did it all for me…”

Gave up His throne, royalty and became a man, humble and poor… “And He did it all for me…”

Was led to the cross like a sheep for slaughter; nailed to a cross; took on all of our sins so we could be saved… “And He did it all for me…”

Rose again, sat as a mediator for us; sent the Holy Spirit so we would not be left on our own… “And He did it all for me…”

Is coming again to take us to live with Him and see the heavenly Father… “And He did it all for me…”

Covers us with grace upon grace upon grace upon grace with love so infinite… “And He did it all for me…”

Therefore, beloved, be still and know that He is God (Psalm 46:10) and offer thanksgiving and praise believing that “He did it all for me.”

Grow in His grace; Live in His love; Pray in His power; Stand in His strength!

~Gwyn Ensley


  1. wow, what a great way to look at all He has be able to say "He did it all for me" definatly put a big smile on my face as I feel His grace, love and peace.
    Amen to a loving Father that did it all for me and for all of us!!
    Thank you Father

  2. I read this to my 12 year old son before sending him off to school this morning. Thank you!

  3. Thanks for that wonderful message. I am overwhelmed by our Saviour's love. It makes me want to be like Him. Roy Mattson

  4. Praise God for His wonderful grace and mercy. Praise God for His blessings that flow so freely. Praise God for His eternal lovingkindness. Praise God for His eternal faithfulness. Praise God for Jesus! Blessed is the holy name of Jesus! Amen!
