Saturday, October 10, 2009

Day 10: "God Connects in Many Ways"

I have recently been challenged in the area of “connecting” with God, as I have shared with the congregation several times during worship. Recently, I had some issues with my vocal chords that left me confused and frustrated. Since I came to know Christ I have always used my gifts and passion for music to connect with Him. A large portion of my personal time with Him each day is spent either singing, playing and instrument, or listening to music that inspires me. My favorite of which is singing.

After experiencing discomfort while singing for several weeks, my doctor advised me to rest my voice by limiting myself to speaking only – no singing. This advice really caused me great sadness and brought into question how my worship leading duties would be affected. I spoke with several experts in this area, and they agreed that I should rest for a while (about 6 weeks).

I tried to remain positive but inside I was incredibly discouraged and frustrated. Why would this gift and passion that God has obviously given me be taken away? I honestly was not as worried about the professional implications of this; I really knew that God would work that out. But this was the primary way in which I communicate, I CONNECT, with God. Why, if God wants to connect with me, would he take away the primary means by which I do that?

The answer came after HONESTLY seeking the answer. I capitalize honestly because it is the focus word of that sentence. See, I think that sometimes we come to God asking questions that we have already answered, and we are simply looking for him to bless or validate what we think we know to be true. I “thought” that the primary way that I connect with God was through music. And I firmly believe that if I had come to Him with that pre-conceived notion, looking for answers, that I would still be struggling with my vocal problems today. But I finally got to the point (it took some time for God to open my eyes) where I said, “You know what God? Maybe that is not the way YOU want to connect with me, at least not the ONLY way.” So I transitioned my thinking into looking for various ways to connect with God. And you know, as He always does when we seek Him, He connected with me in ways that I never thought possible, or at least thought likely.

Proverbs chapter 3 encompasses much of my thought process through that time of questioning and growth in my life. The entire chapter speaks volumes to trusting in God and seeking to gain His wisdom. But verses 5 and 6, which many of us were taught in Sunday School or VBS but seldom really understand until we are in a crisis situation, took on a new meaning to me during the last 12 weeks with which I will end:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He will make your paths straight.

~Bryan Mindte

1 comment:

  1. Loved these thoughts B! Thanks for sharing.

    ~Kristin Minnick Denton
