Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 9: Student Ministry (1 Timothy 4:12)
  • God would continue to raise up student leaders
  • Protection over our students as they try to live Godly lives in an ungodly world
  • Adult leaders to have great passion for God's Word and for our students
Prayer is a form of communication, a way of talking to God, a spoken or unspoken address or petition to God, a spiritual communion as in supplication, thanksgiving, adoration, or confession.

The word “prayer” can have an effect on people from fear to joy. Why is that? I think it can be for several reasons, but mainly an inability to know how to pray; an inability to use big words, flowery language or quote Scripture; and/or a fear of praying in front of people.

I grew up in a Christian home that prayed together as a family and individually. My parents held key positions in the church and my dad was active in the Montgomery Baptist Association as well as working with many involved in the Southern Baptist Convention. People thought that because of my “background”, I would naturally be comfortable being called on to pray and take leadership roles. I did both at an early age; however, praying in front of others was not in my comfort zone.

In my head, I knew that praying was just talking to God. But I thought being called on to pray aloud meant I had to sound like my teachers and leaders in the church and I couldn’t do that. During a women’s prayer retreat as a young wife and mother, the Spirit filled my heart and I just poured my heart to God. Later, my mentor and a wonderful prayer warrior, told me she was so blessed by my prayer. I was embarrassed that someone paid close attention to my praying, but she said I was genuine and conversational with Him and it touched her.

Since that time, I’m still out of my comfort zone praying aloud, but I’ve learned some very important things about praying. First, we need to be genuine and honest in our conversations with God. He doesn’t care that we don’t use big fancy words or "church-eze." He wants to know what’s on our hearts and minds, and honestly pour it out to Him. He doesn’t want us to pray what we think He wants to hear. He wants us to talk to him like we would talk to a friend. Do you have a special friend who knows you inside and out? I have a best friend who lives in another state. We are so in tune with each other, we can finish each other’s sentences and thoughts. God’s that way, too. He knows us that well. He’s our Best Friend – our Forever Friend – as Deni teaches the kids.

And that’s the other end of the spectrum from fear to joy in praying. It’s a joy to talk to our Best Friend and tell Him what’s on our hearts – the good, bad, and needs. He doesn’t judge us. He listens and He always answers. The answer may not always be yes (the way we want), but that just means “not now”. He knows the right time to provide for our needs (and our wants).

Imagine what the Spirit can do when we share with Him from our hearts every day! Our church has a need and it requires the help from all of us together to meet that financial goal.

Pray – TALK - to God from your heart. Thank Him for what He’s already given you and done in your life. Listen and watch as He guides you in what you will commit to give for the need. Then have faith. Whatever you give, God will replenish. In different times of my life when I’ve obeyed and given even when I felt I couldn’t, He honored that, and provided and blessed me with more than I could have imagined.

In The Message, Philippians 4:19 reads, “You can be sure that God will take care of everything you need, His generosity exceeding even yours in the glory that pours from Jesus. Our God and Father abounds in glory that just pours out into eternity. YES!” When we do our part, He’ll do His in multiplying what we offer, and blessing us and Greenridge Baptist Church in awesome ways.

~Ada Miller

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