Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

"Hallmark holiday" commercials show families and friends sitting around beautifully decorated tables, laughing, smiling, and sharing. Everything seems "perfect," but holidays in the "real" world aren't always like that. Holidays remind us of loved ones that are no longer at our tables. We live far away from our relatives and close friends, and there are many strained relationships that seem to become worse around the holidays for some reason. Some of us feel like we're not really wanted at anyone's table, and we wonder if we're going to be invited somewhere this year, and if so, who will sit next to us?

One of my favorite Christian books is The Sacred Romance by Brent Curtis and John Eldridge. Here is a quote from the book - one that deals with some of these issues and brings tears to my eyes almost every time I read it: "On the other hand, there is the joy of having someone save a place for us. We walk into a crowded room at church, or at a dinner party, and someone across the way waves us over, pointing to a chair he's held on to especially for us. For a moment we feel a sense of relief, a taste of being on the inside. Now consider Jesus' words in John 14:2 – ‘I am going... to prepare a place for you.’ Christ promises that He is saving a place in heaven especially for each of us. When we walk into the crowded excitement of the wedding feast of the Lamb with the sound of a thousand conversations, laughter and music, the clinking of glasses, and one more time our heart leaps with the hope that we might be let into the sacred circle. We will not be disappointed; we'll be welcomed to the table by our Lover himself. No one will have to scramble to find another chair to make room for us at the end of the table, or rustle up a place setting. There will be a seat with our name on it, held open at Jesus' command for us and no other."

No matter what has happened as part of our life in this sinful world to make us feel unworthy, unwanted, unacceptable, we are going to be invited to be part of the best feast that will ever be served with the "perfect" host who created us and had a plan for our life (Psalm 139:13-16). Now this is something to be thankful for this holiday season! And while we're being thankful, let's not forget to invite someone to experience a taste of the "excitement" of being invited into our home, having a special place set for them, eating all the special food and to have the feeling that we REALLY want them to be there. Is there someone that God would have you invite to join you?

~Karen Janes

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