Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

In everything I did, I showed that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35

What does God want for Christmas?

For those who are seeking to know our Lord and Savior, God wants you to trust Him and open His gift of eternal life. He wants you to come to the saving grace of what was done for us on Calvary two thousand years ago.

I was recently at the Family Christian bookstore with my kids looking over books for my co-workers. Every year I get them a book that encourages them in their life, and this year I wanted to get each of them a book to encourage their faith. Bringing the kids with me was a favor to my wife to give her some free time. I knew it would be challenging - picking up books to read about and having the kids wanting me to buy them something or wanting to leave the moment they get bored. I sent them into the toy section to buy myself some time and went straight to my mission of the day. Before long I had what I needed for gifts, so I went to check on the kids. They had lots of toys they wanted me to buy them, so I began looking through them to narrow it down. As I was looking through what they had picked, I came to a kid’s nativity game. The title was simple but a question that stumped me at first glance. The game was a nativity set that asked this question: What does God want for Christmas? My first thought was naïve in that I thought – what does God not have? As I picked up the nativity for a closer look I found myself looking into a mirror that had me in it. As I looked at this simple game with a tear coming down my cheek, I felt God speaking to me about what I could give Him. I have already asked Jesus into my heart, and I accepted him privately and publicly as my Lord and Savior four years ago. What I felt God saying to me was, what will I give to Him – sacrificially?

So if you are already saved what can you give Him? I think each of us can give to God in ways that are sacrificial towards Him. I love the phrase “being rich towards God.” That doesn’t only mean in our tithes but in our time and service in His kingdom on earth. I know God has been nudging me in many areas of my life since I was saved. I believe He is doing to same for you. Maybe God wants you to forgive someone who has caused you deep pain. Maybe he wants you to adopt a child in a global mission to share the Gospel. Maybe He is asking you to stop working on His Sabbath. Some give-ups are easy for us, while others are sacrifices. Whatever you feel God saying to you, make His gift your most important gift of Christmas. Take time this Christmas season and allow God to speak to you about what you can do to be rich to Him.

Heavenly Father, I pray this Christmas season that we can be rich to You.

~Chris Dyer

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